New Business Consulting, Strategy & Execution

Contract Manufacturing

When a new business is starting out, often the most efficient and cost-effective way to get manufacturing off the ground is to out-source. We have planned and executed many successful contract manufacturing deals, from products ranging from industrial goods to pyrotechnics. We can help determine when and how to find the right manufacturing partner.

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Intellectual Property Strategy

Navigating the waters of IP Strategy can be very complex and demanding. We have experience in evaluating IP options. We can help you determine whether a product or process can and should be protected by patent, trademark or copyright. We do the upfront work at a much lower cost than a law firm, and we bring in the lawyers at the last possible second, therefore managing the process at the lowest possible cost.

Regulatory Compliance Strategy

Some products cannot be sold unless they comply with certain regulations. Non-compliance costs range from fines to jail time. We can guide you through the regulatory maze, ensuring that when your products ship, they reach their destination safely, in full compliance with the rules.

Logistics & Supply Chain Strategy

Globalization has suffered recently, but there's no stopping it. We can develop your supply chain and shipping strategy to take advantage of opportunities to improve quality and customer service while lowering costs.

Labor Relations & Human Resources

Many small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) find that proper human resources and labor relations policies are difficult to develop. We can give you large-organization competencies on a budget you can afford.

Outsourcing Strategy

In this globalized world, often the best new hires are thousands of miles away. Smart businesses are taking advantage of new technlogy that allows key operations to take place on the other side of the world while still delivering quality, all at very affordable prices.

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R. M. Kaul & Associates, Inc.